Leadership Webinar Replay

Tan and Beth discuss their new book, "Long Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals". Join this webinar designed specifically for school leaders and explore the big ideas of long-term success.


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About the Presenters

Tan Huynh

Tan (@TanKHuynh) is a career teacher, consultant, and author specializing in language acquisition and literacy development. Tan has taught students from 5th to 10th grade in public, private, charter, and international schools.  He has served as a language specialist and is currently a secondary social studies teacher.  Tan shares teaching strategies on his blog and podcast with the hopes of celebrating teachers who answer the call to serve multilingual learners. 

Beth Skelton

Beth has 30 years of experience as a language educator. She has worked with early childhood, elementary, middle, high school and adult language learners in rural, urban, suburban, and international school settings. She is an active board member of CoTESOL (Colorado Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages). She has published materials for teaching adult English Learners with the TPRS method entitled Putting it Together. She holds a Master’s Degree in Multicultural Teacher Education and certification in German and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education.


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