Done-for-you lesson sequences 

Mathematics and Language Arts. Choose one or both. Just $10 each.


After traveling to various school and engaging with teachers in our groups and courses, it became apparent that ESL teachers need content integrated language development lessons and classroom teachers need explicit and realistic strategies that support English learners across content areas. To offer assistance in the simplest way possible, we created two lesson sequences that help you get started right away.

Once you implement these lesson sequences, you will have the routines you need to easily adjust for any new lesson content. Since your $10 investment includes two bonus training videos that model how to put these lessons into action, you'll be a pro in no time!

As written, the lesson sequences are K-3 focused, but with a few tweaks both lesson plans can be adjusted for all ages and proficiency levels.


Our most popular 5-day lesson sequence

Language Arts

Focused on using oral language to develop reading and writing using a science context. 


Purchase Language Arts

Get a planning pattern down that is quick, efficient, and effective for your English learners. 

Focused on problem solving routines and strengthening communication 


Using the context of counting money, your English learners will practice how to express their thoughts and problem solve in English. 


Purchase Math